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Monday, April 25, 2011

What?! Step Away to Get More Done?

If you like getting things done it's easy to convince yourself the most productive way to go after it is to sit at your desk, focus, and plow through whatever is on your plate until you are finished. I don't know about you, but I've spent hours chained to my desk due to this mindset. Some of them have been productive and some of them have been down right frustrating! Have you ever noticed that sometimes this technique of too much forcing and too much focus backfires? Every once in awhile what you've got on your plate may be so overwhelming it's hard to decide which step to take first, or how to tackle everything. 

My clients have learned several tips and tricks for moving forward in these situations during my Overwhelm Busters® workshops. One tip seems counterproductive but it works and it can work for you too!  If you're in the overwhelmed mode and find that you're stuck and no matter what you do the flow just isn't there for figuring it all out, rather than wasting more time being frustrated, it may be more productive to take a break. 

Yep, just step away and take a walk outside. Visit another floor in your building. Take an early lunch and browse at a bookstore. Sit outside and read a book. Giving your brain a diversion often allows it to relax. When it's relaxed it is freed up and has the space to creatively problem solve, come up with a new idea, or think of a way to proceed that gives you the "ah-ha" you need to accelerate your productivity.   

It turns out not only can your brain benefit from stepping away from your desk, it's also good for your body.  "Sitting All Day is Worse For You Than You Think,"  a story on NPR's Morning Edition, provides even more reasons to get up and get moving during your work day, whether you're feeling stuck or not!

Have you ever stepped away and found it to be more productive? If so, what did you do to take a break? I'd love your comments!


  1. Hi Linda,

    I agree completely but it's difficult to do! I have a tendency to add "just one more thing" to my to do list before I get up and take a break and that one thing often ends up taking much longer than I thought. However, I know that if I get up, stretch, walk, or do something physical while taking a break, I'm more focused and as a result, more productive. Thanks for the reminder!

    Also thanks for the link to the NPR article / video. That was very interesting, too.

    (FYI, it's difficult to leave a comment with the set up you have.)

  2. Hi Deb,
    I know "just adding one more thing" can be tempting and it can also be a time thief before you know it. I think the lesson there is to take your break then do the "just one more thing when you get back"! Thanks much for your comments.
