It is that unique key, that authentic quality, characteristic, talent, or set of skills that unlocks your potential so you can gain the success you want in work and in life. We all have an edge but it's not always easy to access or to know how best to use it to our advantage.
This post launches the Get the Edge! blog. For the next 30 days I'll be participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and you'll get the tips and tricks my clients have learned for being more in charge of your work day, finding a career that resonates with who you really are, achieving the balance you want and transforming your professional goals into your desired dreams.
To make sure you don't miss any of the practical tips, insights or inspiration, be sure to subscribe to my RSS feed (on the right) and if you have a particular interest you'd like addressed leave me a comment or contact me. I'd love to address your request in a future post.
I can't wait to read your tips and suggestions! I will be following you :)