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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Following Your Path to Greatness

This is an update of my August 31, 2011 post entitled "Career Success: Following Your Path to Greatness."

Steve Jobs had a lot to teach us about truly "listening" to and being guided by our inner voice. What an amazing example of boundless creativity and fearless action that man was.

"Trust that it will all work out ok," are inspiring words of wisdom Steve Jobs' shares during his commencement address at Stanford University in 2005. "Follow your curiosity and intuition" he says as he shows how his path led to greatness.

When my clients who are seeking to find the kind of job or career they'll love take the Life Theme Assessment they usually say "you know, I always thought about doing that." 

Steve's speech reminds us that life usually gives us clues, inklings about our true path. It's not always easy to listen or to respond to that calling like Steve Jobs did. Sometimes we push that little voice aside that gets us in touch with what we really want and we decided to go for the money instead or we think somehow following our path is harder than staying miserable in a job we don't like.  

And yet, time and again I've witnessed, and have experienced in my own career, as Steve Jobs' so aptly put it -- if you find what you love, have faith and don't settle, what you desire eventually comes to you.

At this time in our history when new ideas and out-of-the-box solutions are so needed in our economy and our world it's worth considering -- what amazing avenues of creativity would open for you in life if you truly listened and followed the dots?

If you were inspired by Steve Job's speech, leave a comment about how his words of wisdom touched you.

Linda Hardenstein, MPA, PCC, helps college graduates and professionals how to find their authentic career and gain more satisfaction from work.  To get a free recording of the Secrets Most Job Seekers Don't Know about Finding a Job You'll Love, click here, put "free mp3" in the comments section and I'll send it to you.      

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Are You a Professional Dealing With a Horrible Boss? Secrets for Winning - Part 2

This is Part 2 of my previous post providing tips for dealing with a horrible boss. It's not uncommon at some point in your career to have what you would describe as a "horrible boss." Handling them and surviving is an art. In addition to the previous tips you can:

4.  Explore Your Options.  Without taking the time to identify what options you have for dealing with your situation you feel trapped. Feeling trapped can make you think you have only two choices to go or to stay.  With a little exploration, or brainstorming with a coach, friend or mentor, you may be able to discover that there are more choices than you think. Are there options are for getting some relief inside the organization? What internal mechanisms exist for resolving conflicts with your boss or co-workers? Is there someone you can talk to within the organization?  What are the ramifications of speaking up, of keeping quiet?  When speaking up it is essential to use excellent communications skills and to know what you want so you don't make your situation worse. 
5.  Get out.  After exploring all of your options if making a job change or leaving are your only choices, create your path to freedom before you quit. When you've got a lot of work to do it can be hard to find the time to begin or manage a job search campaign but it can be done. You need an organized, strategic, carefully crafted, step-by-step exit strategy. You'll want to stay productive AND achieve your job transition goals. Part of your strategy should be how to leave on the best possible terms.

6.  Get Help. Sometimes it's hard to deal with a horrible boss on your own, especially if you're in a management position and can't discuss things with your colleagues. This is when a coach, mentor or trusted adviser can help you brainstorm and come up with creative strategies to overcome obstacles, find a ray of hope, stay motivated, do something you may not have thought of, or create a winning exit strategy. Coaches like me offer laser coaching sessions that help you zero in on your unique situation to develop a winning strategy to deal with a difficult boss so you can improve your work situation and your life. If I can be of assistance to you feel free to contact me or use my automated calendaring system to schedule a complimentary session.

If you've survived a "horrible boss" and have some tips to share please add your comment below. 

Linda Hardenstein, MPA, PCC, helps professionals and managers who want to improve their careers and build a better life achieve more of what they want through personal achievement coaching and authentic career development. Find out more at her website.